Check out our channel on YouTube!

Soon KCA's President-CEO, Eric Geissler, will be using our YouTube channel to incite chaos, or at least provoke thought, in the application of knowledge and other sordid crazy notions.

We are eager to hear what knowledge capital topics are most valuable to you and your organization. Knowledge on the tube…let's go viral! We look forward to broadcasting live to you soon!

Blog Icon

KCA Blog
Nothing like a big bowl of knowledge soup!

Soon you will be able to keep up with the KCA tribe by plugging into our company blog. Here we hope you will join our purposefully meandering conversations on a host of research, development and managment topics.

We want to create an engaging environment that includes Livescribe Pencasts, Prezi presentations, concept maps (C-Maps), soup like Wordle creations and interactive multimedia Voicethread discussions.

KCA Contests Icon

KCA Contests
Everyone's a winner!

Occasionally, KCA comes across a problem or task that demands an alternative approach be taken to solve it. One creative approach we employ is to create a contest in which any qualified team can participate to find a solution. The sucessful team will win a cash prize or other type of award.

Better yet, give us ideas on how we can reward the broadcast of great ideas. If this sounds interesting to you, keep your eye on this section for more details.

Social Network: Twitter Linked In

Employee Intranet

Contact Info

Phone: 571-223-6106
Fax: 888-762-5135
Email: info@knowledgeca.com
Address:125 Woodstream Blvd., Suite 309, Stafford, VA 22556